The Insane Asylum |TIA|
General Discussion
Any topics not fitting else where go here
Main Forum
General topics of interest to all TIA members, not related to WoW.
- Discussions:
- 24
- Messages:
- 142
Latest: Final Fantasy meets trance music Prometheus, Sep 7, 2017 -
Tech Support
Have issues with the website or other techical issues? Post here.
- Discussions:
- 8
- Messages:
- 35
Latest: Forum Upgraded to XenForo 1.4 Mornak, Oct 20, 2014
World of Warcraft Division
For all things related to World of Warcraft
Application for Raiding
Application for raiding with TIA.
Latest: My new favorite WOW song. Prometheus, May 13, 2015
Deathknight Mastery vs Avoidance Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet to figure the relative value of mastery and avoidance stats for deathknights is WoW version 4.2